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25 Let now not adoni regard this ish of Beliyaal, even Naval; for as shmo is, so is he; Naval (fool) is shmo, and nevalah (folly) is with him; but I thine handmaid saw not the ne’arim of adoni, whom thou didst send.

26 Now therefore, adoni, as Hashem liveth, and as thy nefesh liveth, seeing Hashem hath held thee back from coming to shed dahm, and from avenging thyself with thine own yad, now let thine oyevim, and they that seek ra’ah for adoni, be as Naval.

27 And now this brocha which thine shifchah (maidservant) hath brought unto adoni, let it even be given unto the ne’arim that follow at the feet of adoni.

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